Cloud & Infrastructure Powerhouse Vercel Attracts Top-Tier Investors in $250M Series E
Weekly Edition & Stock Spotlight
June 17, 2024
ApeVue50 Index & Sectors YTD Performance

Most Active Names Performance
* Price (USD) estimated based on secondary market activity observed by ApeVue. Valuation is estimated based on said price and share count from state filings and/or news in the public domain. Note that share count in calculations may change as new filing documents are obtained.
ApeVue50 Privates versus Public Benchmarks/ETFs

Public v. Private (12mo)
The ApeVue50 tracks the performance of the 50 most active private names observed in the secondary market. It is an equal-weighted index, rebalanced on a monthly basis.
This rebalancing of constituents over time gives way for more active names to participate in what we observe as "market performance," and in a more appropriate manner than static selections and weightings criteria.
SaaS Cloud & Infra
Vercel is a cloud-based platform that builds a frontend-as-a-service product making it easier for developers to build, scale, and secure a faster, more personalized web. The platform has storage and managed databases, and allows users to edit frontend by just clicking and typing.
The company has recently raised $250M as a Series E round raising its valuation to $3.25B. Click here to see more.


Latest News and Updates on Vercel
Exclusive-Vercel completes $250 million Series E round at $3.25 billion valuation, May 16th 2024- Vercel raised $250 million in a Series E funding round, valuing the company at $3.25 billion. Click here to read more.
Introducing AI Integrations on Vercel, February 8th 2024 - Vercel partnered with nine AI providers to speed up product development process. Those companies are Modal, Pinecone, Replicate, Anyscale, IIElevenLabs, Perplexity, Fal, LMNT and Together AI. Click here to read more.
Introducing storage on Vercel, May 1st 2023 - Vercel released a suite of serverless storage solutions: Vercel KV, Vercel Postgres, Vercel Blob, and Vercel Edge Config. Click here to read more.
Vercel's Financial Data
Annual Revenue and Revenue Growth

Return on Investment (ROI)
ROI computed as of June 10, 2024.

Series E Valuation
<span class="date">2024-05-08</span>
<span class="value">$3.25B</span>
Implied Valuation
<span class="date">2024-06-10</span>
<span class="value">$3.31B</span>
Change Since Last Round
<span class="date">2024-05-08 → 2024-06-10</span>
<span class="value green">+1.84%</span>
Funding Round in USD

Quarterly Bid:Ask Volume Ratio
ApeVue highlights the quarterly bid:ask volume ratio where there was at least three broker contributions within that period. ApeVue did not observe significant activity on Q4 2023 for Vercel. Vercel's broker contributions were 93% on the bid side in Q1 of 2024. Between April 1, 2024 and June 10, 2024 bid and ask were evenly distributed.

Vercel's institutional-level ($1M+) secondary market activity is trending upward reaching 12 unique broker contributions as of June 10, 2024.

Vercel Private Comparables in the Cloud & Infrastructure Sector
ApeVue highlights 8 active private companies within the Cloud & Infrastructure sector as of June 10, 2024.
90D Bid:Ask Volume
Vercel had the highest total bid and ask volume and the most balanced bid:ask volume ratio between March 12, 2024 and June 10, 2024. All of SambaNova Systems and Astronomer's volume was on the ask-side.

Change in Composite Price
The plot below illustrates the change in composite price from May 11, 2024, to June 10, 2024.
Cohere had the highest increase at 21%, while Astronomer experienced the most significant decrease at 45%.
Vercel's composite price increased by 12% from $66.77 to $74.61.

Change in ApeVue Valuation Since Last Funding Round
ApeVue uses composite prices based on the institutional-sized contributions within the last 90 days to compute implied valuations. ApeVue's current implied valuation reported below is computed as of June 10, 2024 and compared to each company's latest funding round valuation:
- Cohere's current implied valuation is $4.82B, a 119% increase from its Series C valuation at $2.2B in May of 2023. Cohere's implied valuation was $3.52B on December 31, 2023.
- Hugging Face's current implied valuation is $4.69B, a 4% increase from its Series D valuation of $4.48B in August of 2023. Hugging Face's implied valuation was $4.92B on December 31, 2023.
- Vercel's current implied valuation is $3.31B, a 2% increase from its recently raised Series E valuation of $3.25B in May of 2024. Vercel's implied valuation was $1.55B on December 31, 2023.

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