Investors bet big on Scale AI to solve the biggest bottleneck to AI: data
Weekly Edition & Stock Spotlight
May 28, 2024
ApeVue50 Index & Sectors YTD Performance

Most Active Names Performance
* Price (USD) estimated based on secondary market activity observed by ApeVue. Valuation is estimated based on said price and share count from state filings and/or news in the public domain. Note that share count in calculations may change as new filing documents are obtained.
ApeVue50 Privates versus Public Benchmarks/ETFs

Public v. Private (12mo)
The ApeVue50 tracks the performance of the 50 most active private names observed in the secondary market. It is an equal-weighted index, rebalanced on a monthly basis.
This rebalancing of constituents over time gives way for more active names to participate in what we observe as "market performance," and in a more appropriate manner than static selections and weightings criteria.

Data AI SaaS
Scale AI provides an end-to-end solution to manage the entire ML lifecycle. The platform allows enterprises to transform raw data into high-quality training data by combining human review and machine learning powered pre-labeling. The platform also has the capability to manage dataset, perform testing, and evaluate and compare models enabling data curation.
Scale AI’s Data Stack
Scale AI’s Customers
Latest News and Updates on Scale AI
Scale’s Series F: Expanding the Data Foundry for AI - On May 21, 2024, Scale raised a Series F with a $1B mix of primary and secondary financing in a transaction at a $13.8B valuation. More than twenty investors participated on this round with new investors: Cisco Investments, DFJ Growth, Intel Capital, ServiceNow Ventures, AMD Ventures, WCM, Amazon, Elad Gil, and Meta. Click here to read more.
AI companies turn to highly educated writers to train AI models - Scale AI is hiring writers with graduate degrees to train AI models in writing tasks with the aim to improve the bots' writing abilities. Click here to read more.
Scale AI to develop testing framework for Pentagon's LLMs- Scale AI and the Pentagon's Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) teams up to develop testing and evaluation (T&E) framework for large language models (LLMs). Click here to read more.
Annual Revenue and Revenue Growth

Scale AI's Financial Data
Series F Valuation
<span class="date">2024-05-17</span>
<span class="value">$13.8B</span>
Implied Valuation
<span class="date">2024-05-20</span>
<span class="value">$9B</span>
Change Since Last Round
<span class="date">2024-05-17 → 2024-05-20</span>
<span class="value red">-34.79%</span>
Funding Round in USD

Return on Investment (ROI)
ROI computed as of May 20, 2024.

Bid:Ask Volume Ratio
ApeVue highlights the quarterly bid:ask volume ratio where there were at least three broker contributions within that period. All of Scale AI's broker contributions were on the bid side in Q4 of 2021, and on the ask side in Q1 of 2022. Between April 1, 2024 and May 20, 2024 63% of the volume was on the bid-side.

Volatility of Composite Price
Volatility of the composite price is calculated as movement over previous 90 days. Since the start of 2024, Scale AI's volatility has been increasing and has reached 33% as of May 20, 2024.

Scale AI Private Comparables in the AI Sector
ApeVue highlights 13 active private companies within the AI sector as of May 20, 2024.
Change in ApeVue Valuation Since Last Funding Round
ApeVue uses composite price based on the institutional level contributions within the last 90 days to compute implied valuation. ApeVue's current implied valuation reported below is computed as of May 20, 2024, and compared to each company's latest funding round valuation:
- Scale AI's current implied valuation is $9B, a 35% decrease from its (recently completed) Series F valuation at $13.8B on May 17 of 2024
- xAI's current implied valuation is $17.35B, a 1054% increase from its Series A valuation at $1.5B in November of 2023.
- Groq's current implied valuation is $3.84B a 240% increase from its Series C valuation at $1.13B in April of 2021.
- Cohere's current implied valuation is $4.27B a 94% increase from its Series C valuation at $2.2B in May of 2023.
- Glean's current implied valuation is $2.85B a 29% increase from its Series D valuation of $2.2B in December of 2023.
- Hugging Face's current implied valuation is $4.64B a 3% increase from its Series D valuation of $4.5B in August of 2023.
- Anthropic's current implied valuation is $18.34B a 0.33% decrease from its Series D valuation of $18.4B in January of 2024.

Change in Composite Price
The plot below illustrates the change in composite price from April 20, 2024, to May 20, 2024. Cerebras Systems shows the highest increase at 42%, while OpenAI experiences the most significant decrease at 6%. Scale AI's composite price increased slightly from $9.41 to $9.48.

Volatility of Composite Price
Volatility of the composite price is calculated as movement over previous 90 days. Glean's composite price is the most volatile at 86% among its comparables and Lambda Labs is the least volatile at 1%. Scale AI is moderately volatile at 33%.

The plot below displays the 90-day activity based on institutional-level ($1M+) broker contributions as of May 20, 2024. Within the AI sector, Anthropic shows the highest activity with 63 contributions, while Scale AI is moderately active with 11 contributions.

90D Bid and Ask Volume Ratio
The plot below illustrates the bid and ask volume ratio from February 20, 2024, to May 20, 2024. Glean has the highest bid-side volume at 100%. Conversely, SambaNova Systems demonstrates strong selling interest in the market, with 100% of its volume on the sell side. Scale AI's volume on the bid side was 61%.

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